Welcome to Epicurean Boutique on the Net!
or online shopping, please visit my etsy store - click the link below to shop:
To keep up to date with what's going on with Epicurean Boutique, please like and follow my facebook page - click on this link https://www.facebook.com/EpicureanBoutique/
Below you will find a list of my show schedule. Currently, you can purchase patterns, kits, wool, threads, fabric, books supplies etc. that you find in my booth, from my etsy store - click on the link above. Also, I have a facebook page where you can order/message me for the products that I carry in my booth. My facebook page contains pics of my booth along with new product information including costs.
I am vending at quilt and fiber art shows around the country - here's my show schedule for the 2023! Please visit one of the shows listed below to purchase my products or shop at my etsy store.
Quilt and Fiber Shows 2025:
Quilt and Fiber Shows 2026:
I carry a wide variety of hand-dyed wools and it is sold in bundles, mini charms, 5" packs, fat 8ths, fat quarters, long quarters and 1/2 yard cuts. I also sell black and white virgin wool off the bolt - cut into fat quarters, 1/2 yard and yard cuts. I carry a wide variety of off the bolt woolens - I sell fat quarters and half yard cuts. I carry hand-dyed wool kits for the following designers/companies: Horse and Buggy Country, Primitive Gatherings, Granny's Legacy and Sew Cherished. I carry wool felt kits for the Penny Lane and Bareroot patterns. I also carry hand-dyed muslin, silk matka and other types of "speciality" fabrics that are great for the stitchery patterns that I carry. I carry a wide variety of penny rug patterns, small wall quilt pattern, punchneedle and stitcheries patterns featuring the following designers: Bareroots, Horse and Buggy County, Primitive Gatherings, Granny's Legacy, Heart to Hand, Wooden Spool Designs, Penny Lane Primitives, Sew Cherished, and Threads that Bind.
I have started to carry National Nonwoven wool felt. This particular product has between 20% - 35% blend of Virgin Merino Wool and Rayon fibers and it is thicker and more durable than synthetic felts. This felt is soft to the touch, durable and easy to work with. This product is a great alternative to using 100% Wool and its at a fraction of the cost. Wool felt is ideal for school projects, quilting, sewing crafts, art decor and more! I sell it in bundles 10 9x12 sheets of variety of colors/shades. I do carry a variety of wovens, texture type fabrics (i.e. Silk Matka, Linen). I carry fabrics to make various quilt and stitchery projects that can be seen on my facebook page and at the shows. Please look at my facebook page to view all of our new products!
I hope to see you at one of the shows. In the meantime, you can shop online via my etsy store: https://www.epicureanboutique.etsy.com
Patty Vatter, Owner Epicurean Boutique
P.S. Like/Follow me on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/epicureanboutique